Hello and welcome to App Store, the only itch.io profile with a lot of apps, tools and MORE!!
Q: Who created this profile?
A: @daviderosi (https://daviderosi.itch.io). Please follow my main profile too!
Q: Are these apps free?
A: Not everything. Some apps are not free so instead of immediately downloading them, you will download a ZIP with an HTML file inside of it. If you open it in the browser, it will redirect you to Amazon to buy the app.
Q: Does this include games?
A: No, this includes everything apart games. That because this is a profile with apps, but itch.io is for games. You can however search them on... well, itch.io.
Q: Do I need some plugin (Flash Player, WebGL, etc.) for downloading apps?
A: No, don't worry! You will not even need HTML! You can just go at the bottom of the page to download the app, without worrying of installing stuff.
Q: Are this apps compatible with oldest versions of operating systems (e.g. Windows XP, Fedora 7, etc.)?
A: I don't know, but I personally test the apps I publish on Windows XP, Windows 8.1 and sometimes with Windows Vista (that will be 7 soon), a macOS VM with 10.12 installed and Fedora 7, Ubuntu 18.10 and Android 7.0 and 6.0. If you don't know some requirements (e.g. if your OS has enough RAM) search "<app name> system requirements" (without quotes) on Google or some other search engine!
That's it! If you have any other question, feel free to mail to appstore@robot-mail.com (direct link to mail)!
Have fun!
- daviderosi